This chapter analyzes the research methods chosen for the research. It includes research philosophy, research approach, data collection method, data collection tool, sampling etc.
Research philosophy:
There are mainly three types of research philosophies present which are used by the researchers. They are interpretivism, positivism and realism. The two research philosophies i.e. positivism and realism are used in primary researches whereas interpretivism is the only research philosophy which is being used by the researchers in secondary research. Interpretivism helps the researchers to interpret different elements of the particular research and it also helps the researchers to integrate the human beings into the different aspects of the study. The concept of interpretivism assumes that human beings can have access to the reality through different types of social constructions present such as shared values and beliefs, consciousness, language etc. The interpretivist research philosophy is mainly based on the various facts related to positivism in the social science. The interpretivism research philosophy is mainly associated with the various aspects of idealism and it helps to combine various approaches which include social constructionist and other social approaches. A number of advantages present of using interpretivism in the social researches. Among them the most important one is it helps the researchers to meet the objectives of the research very easily and within a very short time. It allows the researcher to generalize the research with other similar areas of research and in other contexts as well. The interpretivism research philosophy also helps in qualitative research areas. For example, it helps to explore the cross cultural differences present in the organization, leadership issues, ethical issues etc. These issues can be studied through interpretivism up to a greater extent of depth. While using interpretivism in secondary research, the researcher can be assured about higher level of validity of the data and the studies can be highly trustworthy as well as the results can also be accurate.
In this research, the researcher wants to explore the tourism of Abu Dhabi. The organization chosen for the research is Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority. This research will help to identify the problems and issues faced by the organization in order to promote tourism in Abu Dhabi. The research will recommend long term strategies to Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority in order to improve their operation and improvement of overall tourism scenario of Abu Dhabi. In order to explore the issues in Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority and recommend strategies to them, the best way to achieve it is interpretivism strategy.
Data collection method:
The research is entirely based on secondary research. The researcher has collected secondary data from various sources such as journals, research papers, books, website articles etc. The researcher has also used various print materials from libraries to collect secondary data. As there are very few research papers available on the particular area, the researcher has to focus on the journals and books. The secondary data has been collected based on various subjects such as issues present in the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority and the steps taken by them. The research also finds out secondary data in order to explore the opportunities present for Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority in order to improve the tourism scenario of Abu Dhabi.
Reliability and validity:
In any research, the term reliability means consistency or repeatability. The result of the research can be considered reliable if the same result is achieved again and again. In this research, the data has been collected from verified sources only and as a result, the data collected is valid and reliable.
The research methodology is the most important chapter of the research as it provides some important aspects of the research. It states the research philosophy, research approach, data collection method, data collection tool etc for the research. The researcher has used interpretivism research philosophy of the research. In this research, the researcher wants to explore the tourism of Abu Dhabi. The organization chosen for the research is Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority. This research will help to identify the problems and issues faced by the organization in order to promote tourism in Abu Dhabi. The research will recommend long term strategies to Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority in order to improve their operation and improvement of overall tourism scenario of Abu Dhabi. In order to explore the issues in Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority and recommend strategies to them, the best way to achieve it is interpretivism strategy. The research is entirely based on secondary research. The researcher has collected secondary data from various sources such as journals, research papers, books, website articles etc. The researcher has also used various print materials from libraries to collect secondary data. As there are very few research papers available on the particular area, the researcher has to focus on the journals and books.