Do Schools Provide Students With Enough Opportunities to Be Creative?
Schools are the place where a student gets knowledge. It is a platform where every student gets equal opportunity to showcase their talent. Schools are the institution which teaches the student how to stand in this competitive world. They are the base for a student to begin the life. They teach them how to stand on their legs. Opportunities refer to the situation or a chance which a student gets to prove its capability amongst all the students. To demonstrate the areas, where they are excelling. Creative being creative is a skill where a student does the work in a much better way than others or can be said as expected by the seniors. In for better understanding creativity is to create or to do similar work in such a manner which is far away from expectation. This creativity can be done through imagination or original ideas.
Schools provide students with lots of opportunities to explore or showcase their talent. The school is the place where all the teachers try their best to enhance the inner skills of the student. It is not necessary that every student will excel in studies. There are cases where a student is very weak in studies but good at other activities. It is the point where a teacher acts as a role model to a student. The teacher looks at the student in such a way that he/she should at least become an average student first. They focus on how to relate them to studies without affecting their curricular activities schedule.
In school various activities are arranged for students from very small age, teachers observe each and every student very keenly and make a proper record showing the points where a student is excelling, where he/she is at average and places where he/she needs improvement. These kinds of activities help teachers to understand student in a better way. Then teachers fix up a meeting with parents and there they decide what steps should be taken to improve the progress of the student.
A school gives a complete opportunity to a student to be a part of the activity or event and proves his/her talent. Every student is requested and prompted by the teachers to improve his/her morale. To boost their energy so that he/she can bring the right stuff out from themselves. Schools fix various prices to motivate the student to an initiative to perform the task. Even prices of appreciation are also there to boost up the student so that they will not get demotivated.
But as the even very good thing has a bad face also these activities too had side effects. These activities affect the studies of the students. The require time due to which they face issues. Sometimes students participate in an activity and goes for practice by leaving a class he/she will have to suffer a loss in studies. This activity sometimes creates a threat among the students. Due to which students starts hesitating even to participate. There are times when a student even starts dominating others students because he/she has done a wonderful performance in the activity. The student who won the price starts acting as the king which is not right. Every student has an equal place and opportunity. Every child has different hidden talent which is needed to be flourished.
Schools are trying their best to make efforts to make students creative. They not only create activities but put little challenges into it. Every student has to show their skills, creativity and innovation in that activity. On that basis, the best and need improvement will be checked. Schools are fulfilling the promised stuff. They are completely working and focusing on students or children future. They are trying hard to bring out the best skills out of the children. After all this a child or student just has to open their brain to listen and a little effort. A Little effort will be completely supportive of the teachers and students.
So it will be fair enough to say that schools provide a fair chance to ever student to be creative not only these schools support the child completely to reach the height. Schools are the best place where a student can explore without being hesitating. A school is a platform where a child has full rights to rejoice their life. They can experiments all new things with proper support without hesitation. It would be fair enough to say that schools give an open opportunity to be creative. To enhance the thinking and imagination skills of a child. Everyone always supports there is always appreciation whether a child is successful or not. Only one thing is needed a complete support from parents.