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Important: Prepare a report addressing following problem in the order, in no more than 10 pages. Indicate all reference in order in areference list. You are required to identify thereal company (or a business unit) in Singapore for your report.


Total Quality Management (TQM) can be defined as the “managing the entire organizations so that it excels on all the dimensions of products and services whichare important to the customer.” TQM received enormous recognition and adaptation starting in 1980s in answer to the increasing need for firms to compete on quality basis. Since the late 1980s, publications have been touting the reasons why TQM have succeeded and failed in many organisations. Reviews were mixed, but generally in the favour of a comprehensive quality management system. Most quality experts agree that reasons for failure of TQM are usually poor management execution of the system.


You are to study the quality issues and quality management implementation at thecompany that you are currently working for or familiar with. Indicate the name of the company for your report.  It should be a real company (or a business unit). Real company (or a business unit) is hereafter called the “subject”.


Briefly introduce the subject and describe its key business or operations. Appraise how it plans and manages quality.


Analyse how quality can be used to support strategies of asubject in the areas of:
a) Cost
b) Differentiation
c) Focus or another generic strategy


Envisage a certain work process of the subject that may have quality issues. Formulate a plan to implement the Six Sigma DMAIC process to improve the work process. Compare various quality tools and recommend ONE quality tools for each step of DMAIC. You must describe how the quality tool that you recommend can be used for each step of DMAIC.

Discuss any FOUR building blocks of the quality management system and analyses what the subject shoulddo in each block to create quality.


Compare various types of quality audits, and recommend TWO types of audits suitable for the subject. describe how those audits can help to assess whether subject’s quality efforts are practiced correctly and effectively.


Discuss Five key learning points that you have acquired from working on this assignment.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M9421

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