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Architecture and System Integration

Case Study: Queensland Health - eHealth Investment Strategy

After evaluating various platforms, Queensland Health finally decided to adopt a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for its future IT infrastructure. Queensland Health executives were impressed with your Template based, Reference Architecture approach set out in your Task 1 Report and has accepted your recommendations regarding Application and Service Integration. However, Queensland Health Executives would like to gain a deeper understanding of:

- Computing and storage infrastructure design,
- Information integration, and
- Technologies behind your recommendation regarding Application and Service Integration and have asked for a small specific demonstration of these technologies along with a brief explanation of the concepts and principles of how it works.
There are 2 parts to this Assignment:

Part 1 - Integration Demo
Because Queensland Health have medical practice related applications in many health practices around Queensland, Queensland Health Executives would like a demonstration of a web service to help Queensland Health employees and the Queensland public to find health practices within Queensland. The demo enables Queensland users to browser search the locations of medical practices in Google Maps using a postcode and retrieve an example of town information along with the map. You are required to use the specific data provided to you by your Tutor (there will be a 0 (zero) mark for this section if you don't use the data provided by your Tutor). There are three major components in the demo system:

1. Data integration demo. In this demo, there are two data source files provided to you by your Tutor:
- ‘QLD_Health_Care_Practices' contains the information about fictional health practices, and
- ‘QLD_Locations' contains the information about the location coordinates for towns with health practices.
A Python scrip file with the name ‘' should be implemented to read these two data files. Using the Python petl framework you are required to output the merged data into a CSV file with the name ‘practice_locations.csv'.

2. RESTful Web service server demo. In this demo, you are required to build a RESTful Web service which supports a ‘getlocation' query from the client browser similar to ‘/getlocation?postcode=xxxx'. The server Web Service will return a JSON object with four attributes (practice name, latitude, longitude, town name and state). The data for this JSON object will be retrieved from the ‘practice_locations.csv' file you created in component 1. The Python Bottle framework is required for this implementation. A Python scrip file with the name ‘' will contain this RESTful Web Service Demo.

3. Mashup demo. In this demo, you are required to build a mashup application which accepts a postcode as the input. If a health practice in that suburb can be found, then its location is displayed in Google Map. Otherwise, a default clinic is displayed. A HTML file ‘practice_map.html' should be implemented. In this file, a text field is provided at the page top to accept user's input of postcode. In addition, a Submit button will trigger the ‘getlocation' Web Service to retrieve its corresponding latitude and longitude, and highlight and centre the location in Google map.

In addition to highlighting the positon on the map, a user is able to click on the marker bubble and see an information window containing suburb / town specific information or a link to that information.

Two Very Important Notes:

1. You MUST use and incorporate the specific ‘QLD_Health_Care_Practices' and ‘QLD_Locations' data files provided to you by your Tutor. There will be a mark of 0 (Zero) awarded for this demo section if your solutions do not use the specific data files provided to you by your Tutor.

2. For ease of demonstration to Queensland Health executives, your code must be self- contained and run easily in PyCharm. In addition to using Standards based HTML and Python, the Python modules ‘petl', ‘Bottle' and ‘parser' are the only additional frameworks you should need. ALL required files must be provided with your submission and should not require any extra installation.
Code Package Format

The code implementation should be with Python 3 and PyCharm. You are required to compress all your Python code, data files and all supporting packages/modules into one .zip file and upload it to Blackboard. Make sure your demo code is runnable in PyCharm after being unzipped.

Part 2 - Integration Report

In addition to the above Demo code you are required to include a Report Based on Task 1 case study explaining the key concepts for:
- The demo design and implementation (including instructions on running your code).
- Computing and storage infrastructure design, and
- Information integration

Please use the following outline in your report:



Major Outcomes





Information Management and Integration

Discuss and design strategies to integrate the multiple data sources developed and used by different teams for various business units and departments.


Application and Data Storage Infrastructure Design

Discuss various cloud options and their suitability. Design a cloud infrastructure strategy.


Data merging

Explain data merging principles and how it was applied in your Demo


RESTful Web services

Explain RESTful Web services and how they were

applied in your Demo



Explain Mashup principles and how it was applied in your Demo




Consult Rubric in Appendix A for more details on how this question will be marked.

Report Format

Your report should be no less than 1500 words and it would be best to be no longer than 2000 words.

The report MUST be formatted using the following guidelines:
- Paragraph text - 12 point Calibri single line spacing
- Headings - Arial in an appropriate type size
- Margins - 2.5cm on all margins
- Header - Report title
- Footer - page number (including the word "Page")
- Page numbering - roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv) up to and including the Table of Contents, restart numbering using conventional numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) from the first page after the Table of Contents.
- Title Page - Must not contain headers or footers. Include your name as the report's author.
- The report is to be created as a single Microsoft Word document (version 2007, 2010, 2013 or Office 365). No other format is acceptable and doing so will result in the deduction of marks.

Attachment:- Task 2.rar

Python, Programming

  • Category:- Python
  • Reference No.:- M93136145
  • Price:- $80

Priced at Now at $80, Verified Solution

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