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Assessment Guideline

Case Examples
The theme is questioning what appears in the popular press and seeking to match that with entrepreneurial marketing theories, models and concepts.

Ted Talks about Entrepreneurship
It is relatively easy to explore why established entrepreneurs have become successful. It is less of a challenge to look back and narrate a story compared in a video with anticipating whether and how a new venture will transform into an established business. There is no question about the vision being expressed in the three videos; these are individual who are farsighted and capable.

Summative Element to the Assignment
For the individual assignment, and in 2,000 words or less, you should select one entrepreneurial example. You may wish to select one of the lead entrepreneurs from the case..

You have been asked by the lead entrepreneur to prepare an entrepreneurial marketing strategy that will double the size and reach of the business within two years. By reflecting upon elements of the group presentations, and linking this to theories, models and concepts:

1. Discuss why your choice may be considered an entrepreneurial growth company.
2. Explore the entrepreneurial traits, mindset of the individual(s) that have made the business a success.
3. Explore potential (internal) weaknesses in the capabilities and competencies resources available.
4. Explore the innovation, creativity and enterprising elements of the future value proposition in terms of sustainable growth.
5. Outline opportunities for accelerated and sustainable growth.

You are encouraged to include diagrams, images, tables, hypertext links and infographics. Along with references and endnotes these are not part of your word count. You are encouraged to write in a report format with an Executive Summary and provide a Conclusion and Recommendations.

Your report should be based on topical and relevant articles that provide supporting evidence of best practice. You are encouraged to use these articles critically. A report can be expected to have between 15 and 40 journals articles.
The key to a high performing individual assignment is:
- Show evidence of reading and understanding the contribution of journal articles.
- Testing the relevance of core concepts for the case.
o Understanding the context and resource constraints within which the venture grow over the next two years.
- Providing practical and measurable recommendations based on defined growth targets.

The marking criteria are:
Structure (intro, scope, signposting, logical development of argument.)
Knowledge (uses of entrepreneurial marketing theories, models and constructs, critical perspectives on existing knowledge matching theory and its translation into practice)
Grounding (balance of theory and practice, critical insights offered, recency, relevance and topicality of content for example.)
Evidence (referencing of sources, balance of journal articles with grey/secondary material from company)
Sustainability - Recommendations - "what next for the case?)

The objectives of the module are to enable students to be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of entrepreneurial marketing concepts and theory, in relation to and as an extension of conventional marketing knowledge.
- Explain how entrepreneurial marketing provides a vital mechanism for enacting marketing strategy/ a strategic marketing approach in an organisation
- Articulate the necessity and benefits of being able to adopt an entrepreneurial marketing approach in practice, as a way of addressing modern commercial challenges for organizations
- Explain how they might start to build their own capacities in entrepreneurial marketing according to their individual preferences and career paths

Attachment:- case study.rar

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  • Reference No.:- M93131835
  • Price:- $40

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