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Assignment - Watch the "It Hits The Fan" South Park episode.

After watching, you should answer the following:

Discuss how this particular episode of South Park would be interpreted through the lens of ONE of the following theories: individual differences, dependency, social cognitive, cultivation, or catharsis theory.

Start by defining the theory (quoting Baran).

Next, provide several examples of this theory from the textbook (paraphrasing Baran)

Then, provide several examples of this theory from your own life experiences/observations.

Finally, using your theory (and assuming its stated effects are accurate), discuss how someone would be affected if they watched this episode. For example, if your theory was powerful effects, you would say that this episode would have an immediate and powerful effect on the viewer because... (and then you'd explain why).

Practice citations by including at least TWO references to Baran's Chapter 13 in your essay. You should directly quote Baran for your first reference (the theory's definition), and paraphrase his words for your second citation (examples of how the theory works).

Paraphrasing is when you read someone's idea or concept from another source and then put it into your own words. It is perfectly acceptable to paraphrase another author's research IF you cite it and give them proper credit for their ideas--even if those ideas are now in your own words. Your paraphrase must be sufficiently distinct from the original passage. Paraphrasing is not simply changing a word or two or rearranging the author's sentences. An effective paraphrase will convey the author's facts or conclusions accurately, but in your own unique style.

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Humanities, Academics

  • Category:- Humanities
  • Reference No.:- M93132615
  • Price:- $40

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