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Assignment total quality management -


A. A defense contractor, manufacturers rifles for the military. The military has exerting quality standards that the contractor must meet. The military is very much pleased with quality products provided by the contractor; however the contractor is experiencing quality related costs. Explain four reasons for the contractors high quality related costs.

B. Explain five strategic tools for radical performance improvement in reference to total quality management.

C. Just in time can be of great benefit in improving the responsiveness of the firm to the changes in the market place thus providing an advantage in competition. Explain seven benefits derived fro using JUST IN TIME.


A. Qualifying for ISO certification is an accomplishment for an organization as it takes considerable effort at every level to graduate to an ISO certified company. Discuss ten steps involved in obtaining ISO certification.

B. Explain five stages involved in six sigma implementations.


Among the philosophies or principles that governs total quality management as a practice in the principle of process approach to management.

1. Explain four benefits an organization derives from adopting the principle of process approach.

2. Discuss how the principle of progress approach is practiced in a total quality management.


Simn LTD is engaged in the manufacture and supply of fixed and mobile communications network. Over the past two years there has been financial pressure due to weaker markets leading to a limited inflow in capital. The chief executive officer has addressed this with a strategy to deal with improving profitability and performance of the company. You are the purchasing manager and have been asked to submit a paper to the next board meeting in four weeks time. You are asked to reply to three specific questions

I. How can supplier relationship be improved.

II. How long will it take to produce an appropriate suppliers management strategy.

You begin to reflect on how suppliers are currently managed and decide to put your points into bullet points as follows.

  • No formal partnership is in place
  • All key items are dual sourced for supplying security
  • Generally there are adversarial relationship
  • Payment of suppliers has moved from 30days to 90days
  • General business stand is to keep suppliers on their toes

Required -

a. Propose recommendations on how Simn LTD suppliers relationship can be improved.

b. Explain five challenges that may be encountered as you seek to improve relationship.

c. Explain five financial benefits that will accrue to you company for improving the relationships.


a. Benchmarking is a method in which most progressive organizations are interested.

I. Explain the term benchmarking.

II. Explain three purposes of benchmarking.

III. Describe three steps in the benchmarking processes.

b. W. Edward's Deming strongly believed that quality improvement had to be management led. He saw management responsibility in creating a positive climate for quality improvement ant to emphasize knowledge of workers rather than rigid systems. Explain fourteen principles of Deming's theory of Total quality management.

Assignment auditing and assurance -

QUESTION 1 - The auditor client relationship is contractual the auditor has no contract with the third party yet the auditor owes a duty to the third parties and the government .Demonstrate circumstances under which the auditor will be liable to the third parties who relied on his opinion .*auditors report_8mks

Discuss why it is necessary for an auditor to use flow chart while conducting audit.

Discuss the principle matters which the auditor considers in forming an opinion in financial statement.

Explain the main contents in the auditors report.

QUESTION 2 - As a senior partner of an audit firm you have been appointed to handle an assignment involving a large company but has requested your firm to carry out management audit the partners will be holding a weekly partners meeting in which you are expected to present a summary of how will intend to complete the assignment.

Prepare a write up of a presentation to the partners meeting detailing how you will intend to organize your work, the main areas of concern, issues to address and the type of report you will prepare.

QUESTION 3 - As an auditor you must posses and see to posses certain qualities, discuss independence on a code of professional ethics and its essence to an audit.

Discuss the factors to consider in auditing In a computerized environment.


1. Sampling is an important part of audit evidence. It has been variously argued that sampling makes auditing a guessing game. Present the case for and against sampling in auditing and what will you do to minimize sampling risks.

2. Explain the following terms as used in auditing

Audit evidence.

Substantive tests'.

Vouching audit.

True and fair view.


Explain how an audit trail can be overcome in a computerized audit.

Explain the reasons why compliance tests are conducted in an audit.

Explain the key elements of a good internal control system.

Auditing, Accounting

  • Category:- Auditing
  • Reference No.:- M93097021
  • Price:- $40

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