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Case Study - Congregation Orientated or Congregation Led: Let's Not Confuse the Two By Dr. John F. Dion

Case Study Analysis

Please analyze the case using the following steps in order to answer the following question. Your analysis of this case must include the following steps:

1. Identify the key facts.

2. Identify the core problem or problems facing the decision makers.

3. Develop alternative courses of action that address the core problem.

4. Evaluate each alternative course of action.

5. Recommend a course of action.

Case Study Analysis

Cases generally put you in the position of decision maker for an organization and ask to recommend a course of action to address the core problem presented. The following steps should help you analyze a case and develop a recommended course of action to address the problem.

Identify the key facts.
a. Cases generally include quite a bit of information. Not all information is equally important, however. You must decide which facts are most important and which facts are less important or even extraneous.
b. It is important to differentiate between the facts of the case and the opinions of the actors.
c. In some cases, key information might be missing from the case. In your analysis, you might therefore note how attaining this missing information would lead to better recommendations.

2. Identify the core problem or problems facing the decision makers.
a. It is not possible to develop a strong solution if you have not identified the core problem. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between the core problem and the symptoms of that problem.
b. Cases rarely state the core problem explicitly. Cases present the symptoms of the problem, i.e., the different ways the problem manifests itself in the organization.
c. It is helpful to use the "5 Whys Approach" to identify the core problem. Identify what you believe to be the problem. Ask yourself why this problem happened. You have now identified a problem closer to the core. Again, ask yourself why this deeper problem happened. Continue asking "why" until you have reached the core problem in the case.
d. If you identify more than one core problem, prioritize them.

3. Develop alternative courses of action that address the core problem.
a. Identify the possible courses of action that the decision maker can take to address the core problem.
b. Do not present a list of tactics as your alternatives. Develop distinct, comprehensive strategies that have the potential to address the core problem.
c. Each alternative should work within the organizational constraints identified in the case.

4. Evaluate each alternative course of action.
a. Identify the strengths and weakness of each possible course of action. You might consider the following questions when evaluating each alternative.
i. What would be the likely outcome if the organization adopted the course of action?
ii. To what extent does the course of action address the core problem?
iii. What are the likely costs and benefits for this course of action?
iv. What are the risks associated with this course of action?
v. Does the organization have the resources to execute the course of action?
vi. Is the course of action consistent with the organization's mission and values?

5. Recommend a course of action.
a. State your choice for the recommended course of action. Your choice should flow logically from your analysis of the situation and the evaluation of alternatives.
b. Explain why you chose this course of action.
c. Explain why you did not choose the other possible courses of actions.
d. Remember that there is no "right answer" in a case study. Each possible course of action will have advantages and disadvantages.

Attachment:- Case - congregation orientated.rar

Strategic Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Strategic Management
  • Reference No.:- M93128170
  • Price:- $30

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