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A composite signal is composed of three sine waves. First wave has frequency of 1 Hz, phase shift of 0 and maximum amplitude of 5 volts; second wave has frequency of 1 Hz, phase shift of 180 degrees ( π radians) and maximum amplitude of 2 volts, and third wave has frequency of 2 Hz, phase shift of 0 and maximum amplitude of 1 volt.

a) find out bandwidth of this composite signal? Is this periodic or non-periodic signal?
b) find out value of the voltage of this composite signal at each of the following two points of time: i) t = 0.25 second and ii) t = 0.75 second.
c) Draw time domain plot in a interval t= 0 to t= 1 second for the three sine waves, then plot approximate shape of the composite signal in this interval.


Periodic composite signal contains sine harmonics with frequencies from 10 KHz to 80 KHz. The fundamental frequency of the first harmonic of this composite signal is 10 KHz and all harmonics in the range 10-80 KHz are included in the composite signal. The signal is transmitted over a channel that has attenuation of - ∞ dB for all frequencies less than or equal to 40 KHz and attenuation of -3 dB for all frequencies larger than 40 KHz. All harmonics have a maximum power of 10 milliwatts (mW) at the sender’s side of the channel.

a) What is the bandwidth of the signal at the sender’s side of the channel?
b) How many harmonics reach the receiver?
a) What is the bandwidth of the signal at the receiver’s side of the channel?
c) What is the maximum power (in mW) of each received harmonic?


Consider the channel between sender S and receiver R.

a) Channel has bandwidth of 20 KHz and signal-to-noise ratio SNR = ∞ . find out bit rate of this channel using a digital signal which has four voltage levels.
b) Channel has bandwidth of 8 KHz and a signal-to-noise ratio SNR = 63. find out theoretical highest bit rate (i.e., capacity) of this channel.
c) Sender S transmits fixed length packets to receiver R over a link at the speed of 1000 packets/second. The one-way propagation delay of this link is 0.01 second. If the cable of the link is cut, all packets in transit on the link are lost. What are the possible values of the number of lost packets when the cable is cut?


Non-periodic analog signal has spectrum with frequencies between 0 and 5000 Hz. Signal is sampled at the Nyquist sampling rate which guarantees the successful reconstruction of an analog signal. At each sample point, the intensity of the signal is measured and is encoded as an integer number of length 8 bits.

a) What is the bit rate of the traffic generated by the digitized signal?
b) Assume the digitized signal is transmitted as a stream of packets from the sender to the  receiver over two hops (links) each of which has an attenuation of -1.5 dB. The power of transmission at the sender’s side is 50 milliwatts. What is the power of the signal at the receiver’s side?
c) Assume the one-way propagation delay for the first link in part (b) is 100 milliseconds. Using the transmission speed (bit rate) obtained in part a, what is the value of the traffic volume (in bits) that fills the first link?

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M9449

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