Answer all the problems. You might use exs illustrations or diagrams to support the answer. You have to implement database system using any RDBMS.
Departmental store maintains inventory of goods about its sections. Each section could sell a number of items. Item sold by one section might be part of other section also. Departmental store has number of registered buyers. Some of the buyers, though, might not be registered. A buyer purchases one or more items and number of such items. Buyer gets a bill for the purchases s/he made. A buyer could purchase many times in a month. A buyer might buy several times even in a single day. Buyer who had made purchase of more than Rs10,000/- in a month, is given a status of preferred buyer. Preferred buyer is given a discount of 5% on all purchases on all the purchases made in the next month. Store obtains all items from the stockiest. Each item has the item code. All acquisition of items is recorded. Cost price of an item of a different acquisition might be different. Selling price of the item is decided by cost price of that item, handling overheads and profit margin. For all the items the store presently uses them as fixed quantity.
Perform following tasks for the store. Make and state assumptions, if any.
1) List the entities, their attributes and relationships for the description and make the ER-diagram for the Store. You might use concept of keys, aggregation, generalisation, cardinality etc. in a proper way.
2) Design appropriate RDBMS tables for ER-diagram so created in problem 1. Database design must include keys, foreign keys, constraints and referential integrity constraints.
3) Implement database design which you have created in problem 2 using the RDBMS – our advice is that you select either MySQL or MS ACCESS to do so.
4) Create following data entry forms with appropriate checks for database so created.
a) Create a form to enter all the information about items being purchased by the buyer on a particular sale.
b) Create the form to register a new buyer.
5) Enter at least 4 sets of records in each table. Enter marks directly in tables except for the data which could be entered using data entry form created in problem 3.
6) Create following reports for the database you have created. The reports must have proper headings and page numbers and must include totals, if required.
a) Create bill of a purchase.
b) Create a price list of items.
c) Create the list of preferred buyers.
d) Create the detailed list of purchases made by a single buyer.
7) prepare and run the following SQL queries for your database:
a) Determine the details of the buyers who have made purchases of more than 15,000 in a month..
b) Determine the price of the costliest item and the names of all the buyers who have bought it.
c) Determine the item details of the item that has been sold the most.
d) Determine the difference in number of average buyers on weekends and the number of average buyers on weekdays.
e) Determine the stockiest form whom maximum number of items are acquired.
8) Design two views for database which you have designed and implemented. One view must be for the Manager of the Departmental Store who is interested in knowing about performance (quantity sold) of different items in various sections. The other view is for a buyer who could view his/her purchases made from the stores. Identify on what tables and what fields these two would be allowed to have access. Implement these views or prepare equivalent queries for the view defining expression using SQL.