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HTML - CSS Assignments

Assignment 1 - Internet Programming  

My grandfather, like many men who lived in rural America, owned a large machine shed where he stored tools, farm equipment, vehicles, lumber, and wonderful gadgets. My sister and I always enjoyed "going, down" to Grandpa's shed because of the many mysteries contained within. You just never knew what new items Grandpa had acquired since your last visit to the shed.

For this assignment, you are going to create a children's memory game called Gradpa's Shed. The game you create will be similar to the one many parent's often play with small children at restaurants to pass the time between when the food order is placed and when the food arrives. During game play, a parent places several items on the table and allows the child to look at the items for several seconds. The child then turns their back, the parent removes one or more of the items from the table, and the child then guesses which item(s) was removed.

Your game will initially obtain the following information from the user; (1) how many of twenty (20) items in Grandpa's shed will be initially displayed, (2) how long in seconds the user has to initially view the items in Grandpa's shed (the default is 10 seconds), and (3) how many items will be removed from Grandpa's shed (the default is 1 item).

Your game will then display Grandpa's shed with the theoretical doors open; at least two, but at most twenty (20) of the items in Grandpa's shed will be shown for the specified number of seconds. Your game will then close the theoretical doors of Grandpa's shed. remove at least one item, open the theoretical doors of Grandpa's shed, and then prompt the user to indicate which item was removed, or indicate which items were removed.

Your game will provide feedback as to whether the item(s) removed were correctly identified. Appropriate feedback will be provided if the user incorrectly identifies removed items.

Grandpa's shed must contain images for twenty (20) items of your choosing.

Place all of the files you create for your game in a folder named YOURLASTNAME_YOURFIRSTNAME_E3TH1_GrandpasShed. Create a ZIP archive of this folder and upload it before the specified due date and time.

Your game will be graded on (1) the actual code you write, (2) the output generated by your game, and (3) your creativity in designing and implementing the game.

As this is an examination take home assignment, I expect that you complete it on your own. Please do not discuss the assignment with your classmates, as I do not want those discussions to influence your designs and solutions. You may access Internet references related to coding issues, but you may not blatantly copy and use blocks code you find online.

Assignment 2 - Final Project

You are to create a web site that will serve the purpose of a fictitious college or university that contains the following:

1. a home page to describe the college or university, its location, its purpose, its academic programs.

2. at least two academic programs pages that will describe in greater detail the program and the courses needed to complete the program,

3. a student activities page to show what is avaiable at your school that will be attractive to students,

4. and a student services page that discusses such topics as financial aid, advising center operation, and tutoring availability

5. an application form that will permit the student to apply for admission on-line, including providing a copy of a transcript file.

You may model your page after any of the local colleges or universities but you may not copy their banners, images, or menus. You may use appropriate royalty-free images, banners, backgrounds that you can locate with search engines. You must include appropriate images, either a vertical or horizontal tab menu to allow the user to select the other pages without leaving the site. Your site must be themed, meaning that all pages will have the same basic color scheme or background image. All content on a page must be able to move independently of any background image. Your goal is to present a professional well designed site. You will be graded both on content, functionality, and appearance. Layers will be a definite plus for designing the layout of your site.

I do not expect your site to be as thorough or as detailed as your model sites. You will not have enough time to compose what they have composed over a period of months. But, I do expect a product that is significantly beyond a 'bare minimum'. I also expect that you will not entertain help from any other person with the design and construction of your site. It is yours to own.

E-Commerce, Computer Science

  • Category:- E-Commerce
  • Reference No.:- M93111583
  • Price:- $45

Priced at Now at $45, Verified Solution

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