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Interview Paper - Instructions

Gendered Communications

In this paper, you will analyze a specific topic that pertains to gendered communication within educational settings, the workplace, or the media. You will interview someone about your topic, and then write a summary and analysis of that interview. This assignment pertains to the lectures and readings from Module 6.

Guidelines for the Interview

- Choose someone to interview. This should be a person who is an informed participant in the topic. Examples: a person who administers the sexual harassment policy at your university, a woman in a non-traditionally female job, a man in a non-traditionally male job, a teacher at a pre-school, an expert on media studies who can talk about gender representations. It is important that you choose someone who will be able to provide you with valuable information about your topic.

- Set up the interview. You will need to spend between a half-hour and hour interviewing this person. Set up the time and location for the interview and be responsible about fulfilling this obligation. Make sure that you explain the purpose of the assignment to the interviewee and describe the topic that you are exploring.

- Write your interview questions. Prepare ten questions to ask at the interview. These should be open-ended questions that allow your interviewee to respond with more than "yes" and "no" responses. You should anticipate that your interview might get off track from the structured questions; however, you should be prepared to ask all ten questions.

- Conduct the interview. Be professional and prepared. Take close notes and be open to learning from this person. Listen carefully! You must ask for the interviewee's permission to audio or videotape the interview.

- Develop your topic in 1500-2000 words (excluding your cover and reference page).
- Give your paper a meaningful title: "Interview Paper" is an assignment name, not an appropriate title.
- Follow the General Guidelines for Completing a Paper posted on BB.

Your paper should include the following elements:
1. An introduction that previews and explains your chosen topic
2. A description of the interview that includes the following:
- The date, time, and place of the interview
- A short description of the interviewee, including the reasons for choosing this person to interview
- A list of the ten questions you asked
- A summary of the responses to the questions. This section of the paper may include verbatim statements or general descriptions of responses. You should provide a clear explanation of the content of the interview.

3. An analysis of the interview. Here you offer a thorough discussion of the topic of the paper. Think carefully and critically about what you have learned about your topic. Do not just describe what you have discovered; rather evaluate it for its impact on society. You should incorporate ideas from the interview with two (2) scholarly sources (peer reviewed academic journal, NOT including your textbook) and at least 2 concepts/ideas from Module 6, as well as your opinion. This section of your paper should be the largest and most substantive.

Essay, Writing

  • Category:- Essay
  • Reference No.:- M93106177
  • Price:- $90

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