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Introduction to Engineering Design Assignment - Drafting

Question 1 -

Field notes and traverse drawing may be an outdated form of keeping and presenting information on the position of features on a site. Modern electronic equipment and computer based processing will inevitably supersede the traditional technique, but any technique does require the understanding of position and relative association which is the basis of the modern alternatives. In completing the following task, you gain some knowledge of the concepts of the traverse and gain experience of using CAD software in a different way.

The following field notes (3 sheets) of an investigation survey for a proposed service station site have been compiled by a surveyor.

Using CAD software, produce a drawing of the traverse showing all the information on the site.

Question 2 -

Some of the Remote Access Laboratory equipment in the Hydraulics Lab at USQ were designed and built in-house. An experiment to demonstrate and measure the force resulting from a jet of water impacting surfaces is depicted in the schematic of Figure 1. Use this schematic in conjunction with the following operating requirements,

  • 240VAC supplies a PC for the Human-Machine-Interface (HMI), a thermostat-switched 240VAC cooling fan, a 240VAC PLC-controlled pump, a 240VAC to 24VDC supply and a 240VAC to 12VDC supply.
  • 24VDC supplies the PLC, Load Cell Transmitters and Ball Valve V-1
  • 12VDC supplies ancillary lighting and PLC E/stop
  • The experiment is commenced by starting Centrifugal Pump E1 while Electronically Actuated Ball Valve V-1 is closed. Water Pressure Switch S-1 is used to check that E-2 is producing pressure. Together with Float Switch S-5, this confirms that E-2 can be safely operated.
  • The Flat Impact Test or the Cup Impact Test are selected by operating either Angle Seat Valves, V-2 or V-3 using a signal from the HMI.
  • Butterfly Valve V-4 is opened and the output from Load Cell S-4 is monitored until a steady load is measured.
  • A desired anticipated flow rate is set as an input to V-1, sent from the HMI (e.g. 30% of full deflection).
  • Once steady conditions are measured at S-4, V-4 is closed until an additional prescribed mass of water accumulates in the Mass Measurement Tank. At this point, V-4 is opened and the length of time that it took to accumulate the mass is recorded by the PLC. This allows a precise calculation of the mass flow rate of the jet of water impacting the surface.
  • While the Mass Measurement Tank is filling with the set and measured flow, Load Cell S-2 or S-3 measures the force applied to the surface the jet of water impacts. This data is recorded for subsequent analysis.
  • Additional data is collected for various setting of V-1. Once the desired data is collected, V-1 is closed and E-2 is stopped.
  • The remote HMI Control uses one PLC using four inputs to produce the data used to calculate the experiment's results.
  • For safety purposes an emergency stop pushbutton isolates AC power via a safety relay (except control power to the PLC) when pressed.

Using CAD software, produce two drawings,

1. The 240 VAC Power Distribution diagram

2. 24VDC Power Distribution diagram.

Print to pdf and compile so the two drawings are on separate pages of a single pdf file.

Question 3 -

Prepare the reinforcement drawings for the R.C. Retaining Wall shown in Figure 2.

Question 4 -

One corner of a steel framed sugar mill building is shown below in Figure 3. Prepare detailed fabrication drawing for member B15.

Question 5 -

Draw the following general assembly views of the gate valve, component details of which are given in Figure 4. You will need to determine how the component fits together to make the assembly. Draw the assembly with the gate (wedge valve) fully closed.

(i) a sectional front view in the same direction as the sectional view given for part 1.

(ii) a side view looking at the right-hand side.

Draw to 1.5:1 scale and provide a title block and parts list.

Note - All Figures are in attached file.

Special instructions: You have a choice of questions for this assignment. Choose two questions out of questions 1, 2 and 3. You are required to complete questions 4 and 5.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Other Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Other Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M93136725
  • Price:- $130

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