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You are required to modify and logically extend the functionality of a provided code base to implement a game. This requires you to modify the code base as well as create documentation and implement various user stories.

You will use the Boost methodology discussed during lectures, including using Paired Programming to complete this assignment. You must work in pairs, unless you have received explicit approval in writing from your lecturer to vary this requirement.

The code base provided for this assignment has already implemented the "warm up" and some "sets". You will be implementing numerous other "sets" for this assignment using the Boost methodology. The "warm down" stage is not required.

You are free to take ideas discussed during lectures and implement these in your own version of the code.

This assignment will be marked according to the functionality of your code, in addition to the elegance and extensibility of your design and quality of your documentation.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
- S1. Apply software design principles to design and document software that utilises design patterns
- S2. Analyse source code and develop comprehensive unit test suites
- S3. Operate CASE software to document the design of a piece of software
- S4. Apply refactoring to identify poor programming practice in existing source code and improve its structure and readability
- S5. Apply an appropriate software development methodology to the development of a software system

Assessment Details

Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego was a popular edutainment computer game first released in 1985 by Broderbund Software Inc. Players performed the role of a detective who travelled around the world finding clues to track the villain and solve various crimes committed by a gang led by Carmen Sandiego. When enough clues were found to identify the villain, a warrant would be issued, the villain arrested and a trial held to see if the correct person had been arrested. Eventually, after solving a number of cases, Carmen Sandiego herself could be captured, which would earn the detective a place in the ACME Hall of Fame.

Your task is to implement your own version of this game, in which a detective will attempt to solve a crime by travelling to various cities around the world. At each city, the detective will explore the location and speak with local people to discover clues to identify, track and ultimately arrest the culprit.

This assignment must be completed in pairs.

1. Design and implement a custom environment for your game.

This requires:
a. Creating your own hand-drawn representation of the world map and changing the HardCodedData file to reflect the details on this map. This needs to include:
i. at least four (4) locations to travel through, in addition to the starting location of ACME Headerquarters. One of the four custom locations is to be the place where the villain is hiding, hoping to avoid capture. These locations form the path the villain has followed and the detective will need to trace in order to locate the villain. This path must be clearly identified on the map.
ii. Sufficient additional locations for alternative destinations so that the detective must use clues to determine the correct path to take.
iii. names and student ids of the team members who created the map.
b. Compiling a list of at least six (6) suspects and their identifying features, one of whom must be the villain. These suspects must be unique so that it is possible to find clues to eliminate all but one of the suspects from the search.
c. For each location, including the locations that are not part of the correct path, documenting the non- player characters and the clues, as well as any additional items you may choose to include, that will be available in that location. You may use a generic set of non-player characters and / or clues for locations that are not on the correct path if you wish. The final location will need to include the villain as one of the non-player characters. The clues must enable the villain to be identified as well as allowing the detective to follow the correct path.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you correctly apply the design patterns in your assignment code, all of this game play- specific data will be in the hard-coded data file, separated from the code that controls the behaviour of your game.

2. Implement each of the following deliverables / milestones, using the design patterns covered in classes:
a. functionality as detailed in Lab 7 and Lab 8. You may customise the names of commands to better suit the context, for example: move may be better represented by fly.
b. commands to enable game play for a minimum of one case. You may customize these commands to suit your variation of the game, but at a minimum, need to include:
i. allowing a user to identify and read clues, be these from items in the location or through interacting with NPCs in each location.

ii. entering details of known villain attributes from clues for Interpol to compare these attributes with the list of subjects to identify a list of suspects who match the attributes provided. This may be repeated as often as required, with the intent being to eliminate all suspects bar one so that the true villain can be identified.
iii. issuing a warrant from Interpol once only one suspect remains as per b) ii. The detective must be carrying a warrant for a suspect in order to arrest that particular suspect, and only one warrant may be carried at any time.
c. The ability to arrest a suspect. This command must be context-specific, so it is only available when the detective has been issued a warrant, and only when a suspect is present in the current location. The detective must only win the game if the correct suspect has been arrested.

3. Produce a short video (up to 5 minutes) and upload this to YouTube as an unlisted file. A link to view this on YouTube must be submitted with your assignment. All team members must actively participate (be visible throughout the recording and contribute equally to the discussion) in the video to:
a. Provide a demonstration of the game - how the game play works and how this was implemented
b. Explain the role of design patterns in the game, clearly identifying the functionality where design patterns have had an impact and how this has occurred.
c. Reflect on the use of a development methodology in creating the game. How did this assist, or make the development of the game more complicated?
This video will be assessed based on the clarity and accuracy of the explanations and how clearly it demonstrates an understanding of how the game was coded, the design patterns used and the impact of using a development methodology. All required design patterns must be implemented to be eligible for full credit for this component, otherwise marks will be available on a pro-rata basis. All team members must contribute equally to the discussion and be visibly involved in the demonstration. The quality of the video itself will not be assessed - using a mobile phone to record this is fine. If you do not have access to recording facilities, please speak with your tutor prior to week 9 to make arrangements to have this recorded.

4. Prepare a report, to be submitted as a Word document or a PDF, which includes:
a. The student number and name of each person on your team
b. User stories for each of the deliverables / milestones
c. Class diagrams for Lab 7 and Lab 8
d. Sequence diagrams for any two (2) of the game play commands of your choice
e. A link to the YouTube video demonstration

5. Prepare an individual report that includes:
a. A statement of your own personal contribution to the assignment
b. A statement of your partner's personal contribution to the assignment.

Attachment:- Assignment specification.rar

Software Engineering, Computer Science

  • Category:- Software Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M93108209
  • Price:- $50

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