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Presentation and Written Assessment -

The argumentative essay must be 1500 words in length. The presentation is about 10-15 minutes long depending on the size of the group.

Task Description: The objective of this assignment is to build students' abilities to structure arguments based on evidence and structured reasoning, including identify consensus methods for identifying coherent group arguments.

Topic is "CEOs deserve the big salary package that they get". Need to make PPT and essay both.

You will then need to identify what would be a good response from both sides. That is, you need to simulate what would be good arguments that the affirmative and the negative teams are likely to provide on the basis of extensive research using a minimum of 10 peer reviewed academic journal articles as references. You will need to organize your arguments into an argumentative essay. Then you will need to put on a presentation/debate/show in class illustrating the entire arguments featuring both sides.

Criteria for the presentation -

  • Introduction - Are the topic, key points and purpose of the presentation introduced in a clear and interesting way?
  • Arguments from the affirmative side - To what extent are the arguments framed and articulated using strong evidence?
  • Arguments from the negative side - To what extent are the arguments framed and articulated using strong evidence?
  • Conclusion - Is there a clear and concise summary with effective links to the introduction and body of the presentation?
  • Organization of presentation and creativity - Are information and ideas presented in a logical and interesting sequence? Are visual aids well designed and effectively used? To what extent is the mode of delivery engaging and creative?

Criteria for the essay -

  • Introduction - Are the topic, key points and purpose of the essay introduced in a clear and interesting way?
  • Arguments from the affirmative side - To what extent are the arguments from the affirmative side framed and articulated using strong evidence?
  • Arguments from the negative side - To what extent are the arguments from the negative side framed and articulated using strong evidence?
  • Conclusion - Is there a clear and concise summary with effective links to the introduction and body of the presentation?
  • Presentation and quality of writing - To what extent is high quality of expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and proofreading demonstrated? To what extent is format and layout presented in professional manner with cover page?
  • Referencing - To what extent is the ability to correctly use APA referencing style demonstrated in the body of the assignment and in the reference list?

Learning Outcomes Assessed

  • Develop a body of knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to key aspects of critical thinking and reasoning.
  • Critically analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply creative decision-making approaches to address business issues and problems.
  • Develop the capability to make effective and timely decision.

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M93106294
  • Price:- $60

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