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Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to design and develop four different Apps.

Students will be able to:
b. Apply Java programming concepts, models/architectures and patterns to Android application development
c. Design components, systems and/or processes and develop user Interfaces for the Android platform to meet required specifications
d. Identify business constraints, interpret and analyse stakeholder needs
e. Synthesise alternative/innovative solutions, concepts and procedures
f. Implement and test solutions

Assignment Specification

Project name: Developing four different Apps

You are required to design and develop using Android studio the following four applications. The projects technical details covered in chapters 6,7,8,9 from the text book respectively.

App 1: Animal Voices Children's App

Requirements Document-(Hint: Required programming skills covered in chapter 6)
Application title: Animal Voices Children's App
Purpose: The Animal Voices app plays sounds of cows and pigs in the barnyard.
1- The opening screen displays an image of a farm and the title "Animal Voices" for six seconds (Figure 6-34).
2- The second screen displays two buttons with two images that allow the user to select cow sounds or pig sounds (Figure 6-35).
1- The cows.png and pigs.png images are available in the student files and the sound effects are named cows.mp3 and pigs.mp3.
2- When a sound effect is playing, the other button should not be displayed. Each sound effect can play and pause on the user's selection.

App 2: New Seven Wonders of the World App

Requirements Document - (Hint: Required programming skills covered in chapter 7)
Application title: New Seven Wonders of the World (Monuments)
Purpose: Wikipedia would like you to build an app to showcase the new seven wonders of the world and allow users to select any monument to see a large picture.
1- The opening screen should display in a grid the seven images representing the new seven wonders of the world-Great Wall of China, Petra, The Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Colosseum,and Taj Mahal (Figure 1).
2- When the user selects a monument image in the GridView control,a larger version of the image appears below the GridView. A toast message states which monument image the user selected by number (Figure 2).
1- The pictures of the seven wonders of the world are provided with your student files with the names wonder1 through wonder7.
2- Display each image in the GridView control with four images across each row, and use a column width of 60dp, horizontal spacing of 3dp, and vertical spacing of 3dp.

App 3: Country Cabin Rental Tablet App

Requirements Document-(Hint: Required programming skills covered in chapter 8)
Application title: Country Cabin Rental Tablet App
Purpose: The Country Cabin Rental realty agency provides cabins for rental. Two cabins are available for a minimum three-night stay.
1- The opening screen displays an image, cabin descriptions, two radio button controls with different cabin names, and a button that launches a DatePicker dialog box.
2- When the user taps the button, a DatePicker control is displayed in adialog box. The user selects the first night of a three-night reservation. The dialog box displays the date range of the three- night reservation with the name of the selected cabin.
1- Find an appropriate picture on the Web.
2- Write your own descriptions of the cabins. 3- Do not use the default theme.
4- Only one radio button can be selected at a time. 5- Use a Table layout.

App 4:Snap Fitness Tablet App

Requirements Document-(Hint: Required programming skills covered in chapter 9)
Application title: Snap Fitness Tablet App
Purpose: The local fitness gym in your area wants an app that provides information about the activities and memberships at the gym.
1- The list items display the text Site, Info, and Photos. The first list item links to the website of a local gym.
2- The second list item displays the costs for the gym:
- Youth (ages 14-17): $25
- Adult (18 and over): $50
- Family/Household: $75
- Active Senior: $50
3- The third list item displays four photos in four rows with information about the gym next to each one.

Attachment:- Android Apps Development.rar

E-Commerce, Computer Science

  • Category:- E-Commerce
  • Reference No.:- M93104572
  • Price:- $60

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