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Question 1 Packet Tracer - Configuring PAP and CHAP Authentication Submit your answer as Q1.pka

Question 2 Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge Submit your answer as Q2.pka

Question 3 Packet Tracer - Configuring GRE Submit your answer as Q3.pka

Question 4 Packet Tracer - Configure and Verify eBGP Submit your answer as Q4.pka

Question 5 Packet Tracer - Configure Standard IPv4 ACLs Submit your answer as Q5.pka

Question 6
Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1 Submit your answer as Q6.pka

Question 7
Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 2 Submit your answer as Q7.pka

Question 8
Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 3 Submit your answer as Q8.pka

Question 9 Packet Tracer - Configuring IPv6 ACLs Submit your answer as Q9.pka

Question 10 Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge Submit your answer as Q10.pka

Question 11
a) In less than a page, compare and contrast the models used by:

Client and Server

Cloud computing and

Fog Computing

b) What is the key technology which makes PaaS possible? Explain how it makes PaaS possible.

c) We can define our network using the IaaS service of a Cloud provider. The network defining task requires programming expertise and complex limitations impose by the Cloud provider. In less than a page, give details of the technological approach to facilitate the use of IaaS?
Submit your answer as Q11.pdf.

Question 13
In Question 3, Packet Tracer - Configuring GRE, a tunnel was created. In Lab 12, a GRE tunnel was also created. They use different ways to access the tunnels.
a) Implement Lab 12 using Packet Tracer.
b) Describe the two methods used to access the tunnels.
c) In Lab 12, is the router ISP involved in the OSPF routing process? Why?
d) Which is the preferred way to access a GRE Tunnel? Why? Submit your answer as Q13.pkt and Q13.pdf

Question 14

USQNetwork has a private network in which all routers participated in a single area OSPF. The reference bandwidth used for calculating the SPF Tree is I Gbps. The routers and their connection speed are listed below:

a) Find the cost for each link.
b) Draw the SPF Tree.
c) What is the SPF cost from R1 to R4? Show your calculation.
d) What is the cost from R5 to R2? Show your calculation. Submit your answer as Q14.pdf.

Question 15

a) Download Q15.pkt.

There are four types of IPv4 ACL. For each type of the IPv4 ACL, implement the ACL in Q15.pkt to block PC1 from pinging PC3.
Rename and submit each of your four PKT files as Q15_type.pkt where type is the name of the ACL type.


i. Implement the above network using single area OSPF. All PC should be able to ping all PC and Router interfaces.
Submit your answer as Q15_IPv6.pkt.

ii. Implement ACL to block PC1 from pinging PC3. Name and submit your PKT file as Q15_IPv6_ACL.pkt.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M93136076
  • Price:- $80

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