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Read the following case study on Sappi Southern Africa and answer the questions at the end of the case:

Group Assignment Questions

1. Sappi presents a good example of the dangers of excessive reliance on one screening technique (in this case, discounted cash flow).
How might excessive or exclusive reliance on other screening methods discussed in class lead to similar problems?

2. Assume that you are responsible for maintaining Sappi's project portfolio and given the challenges of Sappi articulated in the above case:
Identify and justify some key criteria that should be used in evaluating all new projects for Sappi before they are added to the current portfolio.

3. What does this case demonstrate about the effect of poor project screening methods on an organisation's ability to manage its projects effectively?

4. Review current issues of the Business Day, BusinessLIVE, Fin24, Moneyweb, IOL Business Report, The Sunday Times, Pretoria News, City Press, Mail & Guardian etc., for stories about project failures. Identify one example of a failed project that might have been the victim of a poor selection process. Use evidence from the article to support your position and highlight recommendations from this Learning Unit that might have been overlooked.

5. Engage your group members on the project funnel concept. Discuss the concept of the project funnel, and use an example from your current project(s) or project work experience to explain how the process works (or doesn't).

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Portfolio Management, Finance

  • Category:- Portfolio Management
  • Reference No.:- M93111697
  • Price:- $60

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