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Select a risk problem from the list below and prepare a risk management plan in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009.

Please ensure that:

- Establish the context clearly, in accordance with the Standard;
- Define your system boundaries carefully;
- Show evidence of consideration of alternatives for risk management1;
- Clearly state the risk tolerability criteria employed;
- Include relevant literature review and discussion; and
- Consider aspects beyond the texts and lecture material (ie value added discussion).

It need to simplify and define the boundaries carefully in order to achieve the word limit. Relevant project information to prepare the risk management plan needs to be identified by the student (literature research). For below topice:

Project Implementation of Industry 4.0 (IIoT) into an existing production facility. (Aviation industry RFID)

Identify a problem that occurred or may occur and prepare the risk management plan.

Word count limit: The body of this assignment will be in 3500 words, excluding any Appendices. need to simplify and define the boundaries of your report (for example "looking only at OH&S risks", only "looking at financial and security risks" or otherwise) carefully in order to achieve the word limit. Please ensure you all pages numbered.

The assignment will be marked generally in accordance with the marking criteria where marks are deducted for non-conformity with these criteria.

Be aware that several students have fallen foul, in previous semesters, of the sophisticated systems in place to detect plagiarism, whether of another student's work or of books, internet resources, etc. You may use a revised version of a report you have prepared at work, as long as you clearly state the origins of your assignment and clearly delineate your contribution to this report.

You should familiarise yourself with the correct referencing style - not referencing sources correctly can lead to a mark deduction, and not referencing sources at all (including pictures, diagrams, photographs) can be seen as plagiarism and can lead to disciplinary action.

- Clearly Establish the context clearly, in accordance with the Standard; identify all the relevant stakeholders, and define system boundaries precisely
- Clearly define your system boundaries carefully and the context
- Show evidence of consideration of alternatives for risk management;
- Clearly state the risk tolerability criteria employed; and clearly present the risk tolerability criteria using examples and provide a detailed & relevant discussion (Risk can be tolerable if it fits the concept of As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) and request example, from FMEA, risk of concrete shortage has RPN
- Include relevant literature review and discussion; and
- Include discuss the societal benefits of this risk exposure
- Include correctly use the FMEA technique to identify, quantify and mitigate sources of risk
- Use four (inclusive of FMEA) relevant risk assessment methods (see SA/SNZ HB 89)
Risk identification
(A) Risk analysis and evaluation
(a) Probability-Impact Matrix
(b) FMEA
(B) Risk treatment (Risk response)
Risk monitoring and control
Risk Contingency Planning
(c ) Failure mode and effect analysis find the attached for your reference.
- Contain a quantified Tolerability of Risk (ToR) discussion and a ToR table
- Quantify the risk exposure using relevant measures e.g. patron visits, no. of incidents, type and nature of incidents, change in patron usage...
- Contain relevant and supportive discussion on risk management theory and practice
- Include Postgraduate level ‘value-added' discussion (discussion goes beyond text and lecture material)
- Show evidence that rigorous research was conducted
- Consider aspects beyond the texts and lecture material (ie value added discussion).
- Simplify and define the boundaries carefully in order to achieve the word limit
- Relevant project information to prepare the risk management plan needs to be identified by literature research
- The body of this assignment will be in the range of 4000 words excluding any Appendices
- The simplify and define the boundaries of your report (for example "looking only at OH&S risks", only "looking at financial and security risks" or otherwise) carefully in order to achieve the word limit. Please ensure you all pages numbered.
- The be referenced according to either IEEE or UTS referencing standards include a word count confirmation
- The correct referencing style - not referencing sources correctly can lead to a mark deduction, and not referencing sources at all (including pictures, diagrams, photographs) can be seen as plagiarism and can lead to disciplinary action.
- Be structured, formatted, professional and conform to recognized Report format
- Include a relevant Executive Summary that captures the essence of your findings

Attachment:- template.rar

Other Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Other Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M93114918
  • Price:- $85

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