Structs and Enums
In this task you will create a knight database to help Camelot keep track of all of their knights.
Lets get started.
1. What the topic 5 videos, these will guide you through building the knights program. Make sure you have the following:
A knight_data type with a name and an age.
A function to read knight from the terminal - returning knight data
A procedure to write knight to the terminal - using pass by reference An update knight procedure to allow parts of a knight to be changed A knight_update_option enumeration
A function to get a knight_update_option from the user.
2. Make the following changes to the program:
Add a quest to each knight
Update the read, write, and update functions/procedures to make use of this new field Update the enumeration to include additional options as well
3. Answer the associated questions.
Once finished remember to grab a screenshot and upload your work to OnTrack.