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The abstract should not be more than 250 words. Describe your project, focusing on research questions and research method for next stage of the project.

1. Introduction

[The introduction should describe what the project is about and what the reader should know about your project before reading the rest of the report. In addition, the introduction section should also tell the reader what to expect in the report. It should say what each section of the report will contain. For example, you may say something like:

In section 2the problem domain and related research questions are addressed. Section 3gives the background to the project includingthe literature review and state of the art as it is today. Second 4givesthe requirements analysiswhile section 5provides the project plan and design. Section 6discusses the research methods for the next stages of the project. Finally the conclusions are given in Section 7.These statements help a reader to zero in to sections of your report that might be of interest to him/her.]

2. Problem domain and research questions

[Explain the problem and write atleast 3-4 research questions.

Formulate your research question(s) or the problem you want to address as clearly as possible. What is your research goal? Is it descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or an evaluation? (Qualitative/quantitative?)]

3. Background and Project Objective
[Revise your literature review to be sure that there is alignment in your terminology and analyses.
Explain how you came to this question/problem based on your previous interests (research you might have been involved in, other courses you have taken, your work experience, discussions, etc.).]

3.1 Summary of Literature Review
[Since the aim of your literature review is to gain understanding of what other authors have done on this topic and for you to also gain and obtain new ideas that you could use in your project, you need to summarise the new ideas from your literature review.
This section should contain highlights from the literature review section, particularly points and ideas that you wish to use for your project.] Each student should go through at-least 6 refereed publications (3 journals and 3 conferences) and write 2-3 paragraphs of each paper in appendix II and summary of all literature review should be written in this section.

3.2 Objectives of the Project
[This section is very specific to your project. It is where you now undertake detailed and further research on the theory surrounding your project and also proper and focused research on what to do and how to do it. You may even propose a theory of your own here.]

4. Project Requirements Analysis and Specification
[Write list of the requirements such as hardware, software or required items for the chosen project. Write detailed specifications of each item. Justify each specification with reference.]
5. Project plan and preliminary design
[In this section preliminary design of your project is required. Document them. Show your design equations/methods in a block diagram/UML diagram/any modelling methods. Include project design approaches (at-least one approach per student)]DO NOT INCLUDEproject management or software engineering methodologies, such as waterfall, SDLC, Agile etc.

6. Research methods to be used for the next stage of the project

[Write how you are going to implement your above project design in terms of your research method, design of experiment, data collection method, data analysis method etc
Are there any alternatives to the experimental/investigative model design? What is the justification of your choice?]

7. Conclusion, limitations and future work

[Give a summary of the project, and clearly list out the limitations of the simulation and the project] Include limitations, conclusion and future work.

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Computer Network & Security, Computer Science

  • Category:- Computer Network & Security
  • Reference No.:- M93108568
  • Price:- $100

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