The problems:
It is strongly recommended that you tackle the following tasks in a modular way -- a separate standalone function for each task.
Draw a rectangle as a Rectangle and as a Polygon. Make the lines of the Polygon yellow and the lines of the Rectangle green.
Draw a 200-by-50 Rectangle and place the text "Hi there!" inside it.
Draw your initials 100 pixels high. Use a thick Line. Draw each initial in a different colour.
Draw a chess board: 8-by-8 alternating yellow and blue squares. [Hint: Use a loop or two! ]
Draw a white 5-mm frame around a rectangle that is three-quarters the height of your screen and two-thirds the width.
Draw a two-dimensional house seen from the front, the way a child would: with a door, two windows, and a roof with a chimney. Feel free to add details; maybe have "smoke" come out of the chimney...
Reference: (From Programming: Principles and Practices using C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup , chapter 12).