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Theory Identification and Analysis

Assignment Overview

Three of the four assignments in this course deal with the place of theory in social work practice. A solid understanding of the theoretical basis for understanding human social behavior is vital for deciding on the best approach to clients on a case-by-case basis. In all three of these assignments, you will be using the characters and situations in the movie, Joe the King, as your foundational case study.

Choose from one of these Intervention Perspectives theories:
Crisis intervention
Dialectical Behavior therapy
Rational Emotive Behavioral
Role Theory

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAs and practice behaviors:

EPA 2.1.3: Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.
PB 2.1.3.A: Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and practice wisdom.
Related Assignment Criteria:
1. Integrate research-based knowledge and practice wisdom to identify key components of the selected theory.
EPA 2.1.7: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
PB 2.1.7.A: Utilize conceptual frameworks to guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation.
Related Assignment Criteria:
5. Apply assessment, intervention, and evaluation to identify potential implications of the theory on human behavior and development.
EPA 2.1.7: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
PB 2.1.7.B: Critique and apply knowledge to understand the person and environment.
Related Assignment Criteria:
5. Apply assessment, intervention, and evaluation to identify potential implications of the theory on human behavior and development.

Assignment Description
In this first assignment, you are tasked with identifying a theory to apply to this particular situation. Use the links provided in the Resources for guidance on finding relevant articles in the Capella library.

Be sure to read the instructions below carefully, and always review the scoring guide to be clear on the grading criteria.

Assignment Instructions
Review the case study that has been provided. Identify the theory that you wish to apply to the case study. For this paper you should:

Integrate research-based knowledge and practice wisdom to identify key components of the selected theory.
Critically evaluate the theory, citing academic resources to support your evaluation.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your selected theory, using examples to support your discussion.
Evaluate the cultural competence of the theory.
Apply assessment, intervention, and evaluation to identify potential implications of the theory on human behavior and development.

Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.

Number of resources: Minimum of three scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

Length of paper: Minimum of four typed, double-spaced typed pages.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Case Study, Writing

  • Category:- Case Study
  • Reference No.:- M93136118
  • Price:- $35

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