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Complete your assigned readings before you finish the assessment.

Make a paper (700 to 1,050 words) discussing the case and integrating answers to the problems below. This is significant to address each of the problems presented. Thus, the APA rules for formatting, paraphrasing, quoting, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. The Reference List is not comprised in the required paper length. Your paper should contain at least five references, which might comprise your course textbook, books, internet sources and professional journals or other suitable resources. Please do not copy or plagiarize others materials. All the papers are electronically scanned by Turn tin.  Significant deduction of points might result when copying and plagiarisms evident. Read the case study “Burger King Beefs Up Global Operations” at the end of your course textbook.

Incorporate into your analysis responses to the given problems. You must ensure to incorporate core concepts from your reading assignment.

1) What is Burger King’s core competency? How does it associate to its chosen strategy?

2) How would you elucidate how Burger King has decided to coordinate and configure its value chain? Which of Burger King’s value chain activities make the most value for the company?

3) Burger King globally expanded afterward than its main fast food competitor. What benefits and drawbacks has this created?

4) When entering another country, discuss the merits and demerits that an international restaurant company, specifically Burger King, would have in comparison with the local company in that market.

5) About two-thirds of Burger King’s restaurants and revenues are in its Americas region (United States and Canada) and one-third elsewhere. Must this relationship change? If so then why and how?

6) The case mentions that Burger King prefers to enter countries with big numbers of youth and shopping centers. Why do you think such conditions would be beneficial?

7) How has Burger King’s headquarters location affected its international expansion? Has this location weakened or strengthened its worldwide competitive position?

8) As CEO of Burger King, what tools and policies would you employ when deciding on possible future Locations for the company.

9) What do the implications of the challenges recognized in the case have for Burger King’s strategy nowadays and in the future?

International Economics, Economics

  • Category:- International Economics
  • Reference No.:- M912

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