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Your proposal must incorporate the following items 10 pgs.

1. All Domain must be Windows 2008 Active Directory.

2. All sites must have Active services available even if a Domain Controller fails.

3. Client IP address must be manageable for sites and locations.

4. The entire IP address must be written out, to include ranges and subnet masks for each site.

5. DNS must be manageable and secure. Clients must be able to DNS even if a single DNS server fails or during an internet outage.

6. Provide secure access solution that utilizes Network Policy controls. Remote users should connect using certificates.

7. Provide easy and manageable workstation image and software deployments. All workstations should be Window 7.

8. Users must be able to print and share files on the network.

9. Executives and department managers must not be affected by print and file server failures.

10. There are two networks deployed at each location, one for employees and one for guests. This must be taken into consideration during the design. APA

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10 Pages

WINDOWS Application, Computer Science

  • Category:- WINDOWS Application
  • Reference No.:- M91806117
  • Price:- $25

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