problem1)a) Find the errors in the following program:
# Include
main( )
print (‘Learning C is not\n a difficult task’);
return ( );
b) If a, b, c are int variables and a - 2, b - 4, c-3, d-5, what is the value of the expression a/b/c*d-a+c*d/b-c. Justify your answer.
c) Which of the following are valid C identifiers?
i) variable name
ii) 2ndchance
iii) alpha++
iv) Motor-Car
v) register
vi) Saving Account
d) prepare the following operators from lowest to highest precedence:
i) ( ), <, ||, ?, +, *, ++
ii) /, !=, &, -, ~, [], +=
problem2)a) Consider the program
1 #include
2 int main ()
3 {
4 int a;
5 char b;
6 float c;
7 printf ("Enter the values of a, b, c");
8 scanf ("%d%c%f",&a, &b, &c);
9 printf ("%d%c%f",&a,&b,&c);
10 return 0;
11 }
If the input is a-2.5, b-234, c-89, what is the output. describe your answer.
b) What will be the output of the following program? Justify your answer.
Int main()
Int x, y, z;
y=z+ --y/x++;
z+=x*y-- %10;
return 0;
c) describe the output of the following C program:
1 # include
2 # include
3 int main ( )
4 {
5 int count;
6 for (count = 1; count <= 100; count ++)
7 i f (pow (floor (sqrt (count + 0.0)), 2) == count)
8 printf ("% d", count);
9 printf ("\n");
10 return 0;
11 }