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You are recently assigned to manage an effort to upgrade about 200 desktops in your company to Windows 10. The project has 4 team members reporting directly to you and is estimated to last about 3 months. Per your company's project management standards, you are required to conduct the following activities.

1. Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that lists all tasks required for this project. Specifically,
- Construct the WBS in a tabular form
- Provide four levels of detail
- Describe best practices in general for constructing a good WBS (Note: additional research on this topic beyond the textbook is strongly encouraged)
- Articulate what best practices have been utilized in this assignment and what have not due to the constraints of this assignment

2. Develop a WBS dictionary to briefly describe each work package
3. Estimate duration for each work package, sequence activities at the work package level, and construct a Gantt Chart for this project

The assignment should be submitted according to the following requirements. Any submission that does not follow these requirements will be discounted.

- Due Date and Time: Sunday, Oct 28th, 11:00 PM
- Format: Single-spaced; 12 Point Times New Roman font; One inch margins
- Number of Pages: Not to exceed 5 pages. The 5-page limit includes supporting materials such as references, figures, or charts
- Student Name: Your name should be listed on the top-right corner of the first page
- Citations: Clear citations should be provided, in APA format, when applicable for all work that is not your own

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M93135252
  • Price:- $50

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