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You are working the help desk for a corporate network and you receive a call from a user named Leo, who is requesting access to the files for a new classified project called Trinity. The Trinity files are stored in a shared folder on a file server, which is locked in a secured underground data storage facility in New Mexico. After verifying that the user has the appropriate security clearance for the project, you create a new group on the file server called TRINITY_USERS and add Leo's user account to that group. Then, you add the TRINITY_USER group to the access control list for the Trinity folder on the file server, and assign the group the following NTFS permissions:

·         Allow Modify                 

·         Allow Read & Execute

·         Allow List Folder Contents

·         Allow Read

·         Allow Write

           Some time later, Leo calls you back to tell you that while he is able to access the Trinity folder and read the files stored there, he has been unable to save changes back to the server. What is the most likely cause of the problem?

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9887161
  • Price:- $40

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