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Your presentation should include the following:

Introduction (5-6 slides)

Explain the importance of evidence-based decision making in health care. Discuss how this evidence applies to patient care outcomes, financial outcomes, competitive advantage, and organizational transparency. Your slides must include:

A definition of evidence-based decision making.

An explanation of the relevance of evidence-based decision making in the health care industry.

A clearly defined the problem you intend to solve through the use of evidence-based decision making.

A description of the types of HIT systems that recommend to support decision making.

Recommendation & Rationale
Using the data provided, analyze the current and future state of the ICU. Consider three scenarios for the future state, one without additional beds and two with additional beds. Based on your research and analysis, determine two viable scenarios for bed count and present these scenarios. Use graphics, text, and charts as required.

The slides and presenter notes should include:
An overview of three options for the ICU that you analyzed. The presenter notes should provide a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of the three options, using academic resources to support your options.

A description of how each option will address the issues in the ICU. The presenter should provide 2- to 3-paragraph detailed explanation of how each option will address the issues in the ICU.

A final recommendation for one of the options and an explanation of why it will maximize the benefits to the hospital, patients, and community.

A detailed rationale justifying your recommendation.

A graphic comparison between the current state of the ICU vs. the remote monitoring ICU implementation in 5 years. The presenter notes should include a detailed explanation of the graphic.

An explanation of the impact of your recommendation on staffing, productivity, competitiveness, and finances, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative data to support your explanation. The presenter notes should include an explanation regarding how the data supports your explanation.

Evidence Evaluation

Knowing that United General's leadership team focuses on evidence-based decision making, address the following, in 3-4 slides:

Summarize the evidence used in developing the opportunity statement and recommendation.

Describe why each piece of evidence is relevant to patients, the community, and the hospital.

Summarize the analysis used to create the recommendation.

Evaluate the validity and reliability of the data.

Recommend methods to improve the validity and reliability of the data.

Note: The presentation should be a minimum of 16-20 slides, not including the title and reference slide. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week's Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Your Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources to show your conclusion and recommendations. See the Week 6 Assignment Rubric for additional requirements related to research and professional writing.

Operation Research, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Research
  • Reference No.:- M93114637
  • Price:- $50

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