section a - descriptive questionsquestion1a define food science and technology and discuss its scope in the context of
question 1a a small sphere containing a positive charge of 2 c is hung vertically by an insulated thread. a second
question 1 answer any four parts from the given questions.a the sodium lamp used in a physics laboratory gives out
answer all the questions.question1 explain managerial skills at different levels with examples.nbspnbspnbsp
question 1 state with reasons whether the given statements are true or false.a 50 microf capacitor and 50 microh
question1 what is the importance of human resource information at macro and micro level? how is lsquocomputer based
question 1a how does the fact that the speed of light is constant lead to relativity of the simultaneity? describe in
answer all the questions.question1 define personnel management. explain the purpose of personnel management.question2
answer the following questionsquestion1 describe with the help of appropriate examples the co-relation between data
question 1 answer the following question in briefa can a unit cell in the shape of a pentagon make a two dimension